Guanghui Song(宋广辉) bio photo

Guanghui Song(宋广辉)

My English name is sheen, and I am a PhD student at Hunan University, focusing on advanced compilation and high-performance computing.



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This page collects a(n incomplete) list of open-source projects that Guanghui Song has ever involved in or currently participates in. Some of them are maintained by companies and some are repositories of research projects.


prectuner We presents a holistic approach – PrecTuner – by closely coupling the code generator and the autotuner via only one parameter r . Initialized by automatically sampled values, r is first used to generate several code variants in the polyhedral model, combining this optimization with loop transformations. These code variants are then used to solve a performance model expressed in terms of r , possibly under a quality degradation budget. The value of r that produces the best-performing mixed-precision code is finally predicted without evaluating all code variants.

Early Projects

  • Fcc compiler is based on LLVM, adding internal IP to the latest open source compiler, designing a new middle layer to load more program information, breaking the independence of each optimization tool and choosing profiling independently to achieve program optimization for multi-core parallelization and heterogeneous systems.
  • Weekly_ws is a set of OKR weekly report system specially developed for Weisheng Company, which can realise the management of OKR for all members of the whole company.
  • JEE is a simple template site based on JAVA development, you can carry out simple user management, inbound and outbound management and other common operations.